NOTICE: City of Warner Robins secures partnership & funding for clean energy initiatives
City of Warner Robins secures partnership & funding for clean energy initiatives…click HERE to read the full press release.
Macon-Bibb County Approves First Public SEPA in Georgia
In 2015, the Georgia General Assembly passed H.B. 57, known as the Solar Power Free-Market Financing Act. The bill was signed into law by Governor Nathan Deal on May 12, 2015. This legislation paved the way for electric customers in Georgia (including counties and municipalities) to enter into Solar Energy Procurement Agreements (SEPAs) for the […]
2015 National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for Ozone
In 2015, based on EPA’s review of the air quality criteria for ozone (O3) and related photochemical oxidants and for O3, EPA revised the levels of both standards. EPA revised the primary and secondary ozone standard levels to 0.070 parts per million (ppm), and retained their indicators (O3), forms (fourth-highest daily maximum, averaged across three consecutive years) and averaging times (eight hours).
The air you breathe needs your support.
You can make a difference in the air that you breathe!
April 2015 Newsletter
Greetings to the Middle Georgia Clean Air Coalition:
As always, air quality remains a major legislative, regulatory and business topic. The Administration continues to pursue climate change topics (as does the Vatican in Rome), EPA continues to work on
President Obama will sign an executive order this morning aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions generated by the federal government, which will include Robins AFB. The White House has said that several “major” government suppliers
Potential Georgia Power Solar Energy Project at Kings Gay Submarine Based
The U.S. Navy is in discussions with Georgia Power Co. on a potential solar energy project at Kings Bay Naval Submarine Base near St. Mary’s, a Georgia Power executive announced Thursday (August 14). …Read more
Solar set to make big inroads across Middle Georgia. Georgia was one of the hottest states for solar installation in 2013, coming in at No. 7 among states with installed solar arrays topping 91 megawatts of generating capacity. Though the numbers didn’t push the state into the top 10 for installed solar capacity overall, they […]
The Most Important Solar Statistics of 2013
Last year was the first time someone could use the words “solar” and “mainstream” in the same sentence and be taken seriously. It’s still too early to call solar PV a truly mainstream energy technology, but as GTM Research VP Shayle Kann recently pointed out, it’s getting close. And there a lot of factors to […]
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